להורדת הפריט
לפרטים נוספים פנו לשירות לקוחות במייל contact@spitball.co
מודל ניהולי להתמודדות עם שחיקה של מורים במגזר הערבי בישראל
Abstract 3
Literary review 4
Methodology 9
Results 12
Discussion 14
Conclusions and recommendations 16
1. Introduction 22
2. The Arab education system in Israel from the point of view of the Arab minority 23
2.1. The Arab education system in Israel, and the organizational structure 23
2.1.1. The organizational structure 27
3. The phenomenon of teachers’ Burnout 32
3.1. definition of burnout 32
3.1.1. Burnout – definition, syndrome and components 35
3.2. Teachers' burnout 38
3.3. Burnout- a concept in itself 38
3.4. The causes of burnout 40
3.4.1. Burnout factors deriving from the individual 40
3.4.2. Burnout factors deriving from the type of work profession 42
3.4.3. Factors deriving from the climate at school 43
3.5. Stress and burnout 50
3.5.1. What is stress? 59
3.5.2. The causes of stress 63
3.5.3. The causes of pressure 65
3.6. Introduction to models of stress 68
3.7. Coping with stressful situations 69
4. Models for coping with teachers’ burnout 75
4.1. Coping with burnout 75
4.2. Instruction, burnout and organizational commitment and social support 81
4.3. Team cohesiveness 84
4.4. Conclusions 87
5. The research methodology 89
5.2. Participants 89
5.3. The research Apparatuses 91
5.4. Procedure 94
6. Results 95
6.1. Findings 95
6.2. Test of the research hypotheses 100
6.2.1. The contribution of the different variables to burnout and to organizational commitment 102
6.3. Further analyses 104
7. Discussion of the results 110
7.1. Questionnaire results – general 111
7.2. Staff instruction 113
7.3. Colleagues' support 115
7.4. Staff cohesiveness 116
7.5. Instruction, support and staff cohesiveness as predictors of burnout and organizational commitment 118
8. Conclusions and recommendations 121
8.1. The study's Limitations 124
8.2. Future research directions 126
8.3. Implications and practical conclusions 127
8.4. Conclusions 129
9. Appendices 151
Appendix 1 – Burnout questionnaire 151
Appendix 2 – Social support questionnaire 152
Appendix 3 – Organizational commitment questionnaire 153
Appendix 4 – Instruction questionnaire 154
Appendix 5 – Staff cohesiveness questionnaire 155
Appendix 6 – Teachers' stress questionnaire 156
Appendix 7 – Questionnaire of nuisances in daily life 158
Appendix 8 – Demographic questionnaire 159
Today's teachers deal with a substantial amount of psychological stress laid by superior, pupils, and parents alike. All these confront him or her with the constant need to make decisions and to choose between needs and wells on the one hand and rational and norms on the other, which often seem to contradict each other and clash with the constraints of reality.
The connecting link between environmental pressure and adaptation of the individual is that of coping (Monat & Lazarus, 1977). Coping represents the ways in which individuals manage environmental demands in their lives, cognitively as well as behaviorally. Differences in how people cope with occupational stress affect the outcomes of that stress (Mearns & Cain, 2003).
A certain level of professional pressures is acceptable as part of the demands of daily working of almost every profession. However, the failure to cope with ongoing working pressures can bring burnout, a harmful phenomenon, during which expression at work decreases and general mental and physical fatigue develops. This phenomenon, standing out especially in the teaching profession, encompasses negative ramification for society, for the teacher and for students. The negative results of the phenomenon of burnout increased the awareness to it, and encouraged, especially during the last years, the search for different solutions, which would prevent it or would moderate its influences.
The current study will focus on three central factors connected to the prevention of burnout: team instruction, social support and staff unity. These three variables will be discussed in length in the next section.
Considering those three factors, I have formulated the following three hypothesis:
1. The more helpful and supportive the teachers at school perceive the instruction, their level of burnout will be lower and their level of organizational commitment will be higher.
2. The more supportive the teachers perceive the staff, their level of burnout will be lower and their level of organizational commitment will be higher.
3. The more cohesive the teachers at school perceive the staff, their level of burnout will be lower and their level of organizational commitment will be higher.
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