להורדת הפריט
Objectives: Learning reading comprehension strategies and new vocabulary.
1. (6 minutes) Brainstorming: Write on the blackboard "Food waste". Ask the students who know what it is, than explain to the class.
2. Ask the students why do you think people waste food? Write the answers in one column. Ask if everyone knows all the words. If there are words someone doesn't know, have other students explain.
3. Ask the students how much food they think is wasted in households? Write the answers in another column.
4. (5 minutes) Silent reading – tell the students to read the first paragraph and write down any new words they don't know.
5. (7 minutes) Ask for the new words and write them on the board. Choose a word that the most students didn't know. (If all the students knew all the words, use 'researchers' as an example). Ask how we could guess the meaning of the word from the context.
6. If there are more than one word, ask the students to explain each other the words…………..
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לפרטים נוספים